Tuesday 10 June 2014

Get Rich Quick Schemes!

Posted by Kitsune at 02:23
So, you've arrived on Nexus and you've got all sorts of drams in your head about hoverboards and your very own house in the sky thanks to those catchy Protostar ads. But your pockets are super empty, you only have a few silver and everyone's saying you'll need at least ten gold to get one of those awesome motorbikes or a fuzzy woolie to ride on.

Relax sweetie, everything will work out. The first step of saving up is not stressing, stopping every five minutes to count all your coins is a nightmare and it'll make your time a lot less fun. I am a sucker for 'Get Rich Quick!' schemes, some of which actually work, others I quickly regret and walk away from, so I'll be sharing some of that knowledge with you.

But let's start with the basics of making some Wildstar gold~

  • Challenge yourself. Get to work on some challenging undertakings, and if you're offered a choice of rewards pick what will be most useful to you, or what's worth the most when sold to a vendor.
  • Quests! Just like challenges really. Get out there and help your fellow exiles (or dominion if you swing that way, boo hiss!)
  • When you reach a tradeskills instructor give serious thought to picking up two gathering skills. I myself am a survivalist and a miner. This doesn't mean you won't ever be able to craft anything, you can switch to a crafting skill later and in the meantime harvest every node you see and sell your surplus supplies!
  • Learn where to sell - most of the time your items should go straight to any vendor that will take them off of you. But! When you hit Thayd you should check to see what the going rate is at the auction house or commodities exchange. For example, I currently sell my wood to a vendor and my metal to the commodities exchange as metal is in much higher demand and I make more money that way. But please, please, please make sure if you're using the auction house or commodities exchange that you'll be making profit after a percentage is taken off of you.
  • If you are at the auction house and commodities exchange, check it out for bargains. I'll tell you more about that later if you're not sure! ♥
  • Don't salvage things. That can be left until later and you'll generally make more money out of selling the base thing.
There's probably more, but I think those are a good start, right? Just have fun with it all and save up a little and you'll be surprised how much the money adds up. I'll be back with more later!


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